Our Emblem

An embodiment of the ‘Mission’ and Reflection of Vision.

Our Tricolour National Flag speaks, similarly emblem of D.N.R College Reflects the institution’s Vision and Mission as embedded by the founders in the institution’s culture and made an ever fragrant flower of erudition and a glowing spectrum of Academy with spectacular academic performance.

The Vedic hymn “Tamaso ma Jyotirgamaya” that adorns the top of the emblem suggests the progression of the disciple from ignorance to illumination. A holistic view of the emblem consisting of the Water, blossomed Lotus, buds and the rays of the Sun symbolically connotes the relationship between the teacher and the disciple. The Lotus, the purest of all the flowers suggests the disciple who ascends from the puddle of waters of ignorance to the attainment of perfection, fully blossomed through the rays of the Sun symbolising the wisdom of perfection showered on the student by the master through his teaching. The lotus buds signify the students awaiting their turn to blossom.

The Institution ever cherished the vision with a missionary zeal because it has not just the vision but also capability and determination.