Zoology Museum

Photos – Zoology Museum Photos

The present status of the Zoology Museum is the outcome of hard work spread over more than half of a century. The introduction of College Science Improvement Programme has helped further in expanding the collections.

The museum is housed in a large hall of 1200 sft. with an attractive central row of glass show cases surrounded by a neat carpet. Majority of the specimens are the collections made by the staff and students of the Zoology Department. A number of imported specimens like: Euplectella, Hyalonema, Phakelia, Chaetopterus, Basket Starfish, Lepidosiren, Protopterus, Amia, Lepidosteus, Acipencer Polypterus, Siren, Amphiuma, Poison-Arrow Frog, Phrynosoma Crotalus, European Viper, Japanese Snakes, Opossum and Kangaroo are only a few in the long list of rare specimens.

A number of beautifully framed charts showing the distribution of animals in various Zoogeographical regions, is well displayed.

A number of articulated skeletons of different vertebrates are also arranged in glass show cases neatly.

Fishes from the largest single group in the Museum with about 250 specimens identified to species level. These include the fishes of The Krishna, The Godavari, The Kolleru and also the marine fishes from Visakhapatnam, Kakinada, Gollapalem, Machilipatnam, Cochin and Mumbai. Some type specimens are also deposited here.

A good collection and beautiful display of postage stamps depicting various animals is an added attraction.

With so many exhibits the Museum is well represented in all branches and it is claimed as one of the best in Andhra Pradesh.

A separate aquaculture museum is being set up. It is an added attraction feature to the existing museum. It consists of some very rare and economically important fishes, Prawns, Crabs and Pearl Oysters. A number of diseased fishes and Prawns are also displayed.

A number of charts are displayed depicting the physiological aspects of various systems.