Criterion VI – Governance, Leadership and Management(100)
The institutional governance and leadership are in accordance with the vision and mission of the Institution and it is visible in various institutional practices
such as NEP implementation, sustained institutional growth, decentralization, participation in the institutional governance and in their short term and long
term Institutional Perspective Plan. Response: D.N.R. College (Autonomous), Bhimavaram, is renowned for its robust governance and effective leadership. The college management includes
representatives from the University Grants Commission (UGC), university nominees, academicians, industry experts, employers, faculty, alumni,
and students. Its Governing Body, Academic Council, Finance Committee, and Board of Studies adhere to the norms set by the UGC,
the Government of Andhra Pradesh, and Adikavi Nannaya University. This structure ensures the institution maintains high standards in teaching,
research, and outreach activities. Implementation of National Education Policy: The college offers various Skill Enhancement Courses aimed at boosting students' employability. Through case studies, group discussions, project work,
and internships, students develop essential soft skills. The curriculum also incorporates Indian traditional knowledge systems into the teaching
and learning process. Sustained Institutional Growth: D.N.R. College has made significant progress in infrastructure, academic programs, and faculty and student strength.
The Governing Body comprises eminent personalities from society, academia, faculty, state government, and university representatives.
The Finance Committee ensures the seamless conduct of academic and financial activities, aligning with the institution's vision and mission. Decentralization and Participation in Governance:The Principal, as the academic head, manages daily operations with support from Deans,
Heads of Departments, the Office Superintendent, and various committee chairpersons.Key committees include the Governing Council, Academic Council,
Boards of Studies, Finance Committee, and Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC). Heads of Departments coordinate with the IQAC to prepare curricular,
co- curricular, and extra-curricular activity plans, which are then submitted to the Principal for approval. The IQAC plays a crucial role in maintaining
academic standards and fostering transparency and participative management. Strategic Planning and Evaluation:Strategic, perspective, and development plans are vital for the institution's functioning.
These plans provide a roadmap for growth and development, ensuring relevance and responsiveness to environmental changes.
Regular evaluation of these plans helps the institution maintain high-quality academic programs and services, ensuring the achievement of its objectives. Institutional Perspective Plan: The management, Principal,Vice-Principals,Deans,Directors,and Heads of Departments collaboratively envision the Perspective Plan of the College. Short-Term Plans (Annual Goals) Modernize classrooms and laboratories Strengthen the teaching-learning process Promote research activities Encourage student participation in national and international conferences and publications Strengthen community service activities Promote a plastic-free campus Provide training for supporting staff Strengthen College-Alumni relationships Automate administrative and academic sections Conserve natural resources and develop sustainable energy sources Promote the “Swatch D.N.R” initiative Improve placements in the core sector Enhance industry-institute linkages Promote the “Save fuel - Save Environment” campaign Foster a student-friendly campus atmosphere Encourage student projects Promote human values and professional ethics among staff and students Long-Term Plans: To enhance the institution's quality standards, the following goals are set for the next five years: Establish incubation centers Strengthen academic and R and D programs in collaboration with reputed universities and industries Achieve a National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) ranking within the top 200 institutes by 2025 and within the top 100 institutes by 2030 Introduce new courses periodically to stay relevant with current trends Upload any additional informationProvide the link for additional information
The institutional perspective plan is effectively deployed and functioning of the institutional bodies are effective and efficient as visible from
policies, administrative setup, appointment, service rules, and procedures, etc: Response: Governing Body The Governing Body is the apex authority at D.N.R. College, responsible for providing direction, policy- making, implementation, and making decisions
regarding finance and infrastructure. This body ensures the quality of all systems within the institution. The Governing Body comprises members of the
educational society, including the President, Vice President, Secretary, Joint Secretary, Assistant Secretary, and Treasurer, along with nominees from the
affiliating university and the state government, distinguished academicians, industrialists, senior staff members, and the Principal as the member secretary.
The Governing Body convenes twice a year to review progress and performance, make policies, suggest improvements based on current contexts, and
foresee future developments. Additionally, the Management conducts periodic review meetings with the Principal, Dean, and other senior staff members to
monitor academic progress, consultancy, research and development, and grievance redressal. Principal: The Principal serves as both the administrative and academic head of the college, making critical decisions related to academic and administrative strategies.
The Principal chairs various committees that regularly monitor, evaluate, and recommend improvements related to institutional quality assessment aspects.
Responsibilities include executing policies, implementing strategies, preparing reports, and submitting them to the Governing Body, while also maintaining
norms prescribed by statutory bodies. Committees promptly address grievances to ensure smooth functioning. Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC): The IQAC coordinator plays a crucial role in enhancing the academic performance of all departments, ensuring overall quality standards, and enriching the
skills of staff members. Assisting the Principal in academic activities, the coordinator is responsible for preparing reports, documents, and write-ups.
Periodic assessments of staff, particularly new entrants, are conducted, and reports with suggestions and remarks are submitted to the Principal to ensure
continuous improvement. Heads of Departments (HoDs): HoDs are responsible for the smooth functioning of department-level activities, including curriculum analysis and strategic planning. Adhering to policies
and procedures governed by the Academic Committee, HoDs ensure quality practices within their departments. They monitor academic schedules,
attendance, syllabus completion, and internal examinations. Additionally, HoDs assess laboratory requirements and prepare budget proposals for necessary
purchases, ensuring departments are well- equipped to deliver quality education. Office Superintendent: The Office Superintendent oversees all administrative functions, including transport, campus maintenance, security, personnel management, canteen
operations, public relations, and the health centre. They manage admission approval procedures and communicate with the Principal.
Financial responsibilities include managing financial transactions related to admission fees, semester fees, hostel fees, and the preparation of salary bills for
teaching and non-teaching faculty. The officer also handles repair, maintenance, and purchase transactions, ensuring the institution's financial stability. Policies and Procedures: D.N.R. College has established comprehensive policies and procedures for staff appointments, promotions, service rules, codes of conduct, campus
discipline, and incentives and welfare for students and staff. These policies are regularly communicated to all stakeholders and are displayed on the college
website for transparency and accessibility.The institutional perspective plan at D.N.R. College is effectively deployed, ensuring the efficient and effective
functioning of institutional bodies. This is evident through well-defined policies, an organized administrative setup, clear appointment procedures,
and adherence to service rules. The collaborative efforts of the Governing Body, Principal, IQAC, HoDs, and the Office Superintendent contribute to the
college's continuous progress and development, maintaining high standards of quality and efficiency. Upload any additional informationInstitutional perspective Plan and deployment documents on the website
Provide the link for additional information
Institution implements e-governance in its operations. e-governance is implemented covering the following areas of operations: 1. Administration including complaint management 2. Finance and Accounts 3. Student Admission and Support 4. Examinations Response: A. All of the above: Screen shots of user interfaces of each module reflecting the name of the HEIAnnual e-governance report approved by the Governing Council/ Board of Management/ Syndicate Policy document on e-governance
Provide Links for any other relevant document to support the claim (if any)
Institutional expenditure statements for the heads of e-governance implementation reflected in the audited statement.
Link for ERP Document
The institution has performance appraisal system, effective welfare measures for teaching and non- teaching staff and avenues for career
development/progression Response: Performance Appraisal System and Comprehensive Welfare Measures at D.N.R. College (A), Bhimavaram D.N.R. College (A), Bhimavaram prioritize performance assessment as a pivotal tool for fostering excellence and continuous improvement. Our institution
has established a robust performance appraisal system designed to meticulously evaluate the contributions and achievements of both teaching and non-
teaching staff. This structured approach sets goals, assesses accomplishments, provides constructive feedback, and identifies areas for professional growth. Performance Appraisal System: Our performance appraisal system stands out for its transparency and objectivity, fostering accountability among our staff members. By nurturing a culture
of innovation and recognizing outstanding performance, the system significantly enhances our educational endeavors. It ensures that faculty and staff
are motivated, supported in their professional development, and aligned with the institution's goals of academic excellence and holistic student
development. Welfare Measures and Career Development: D.N.R. College (A), Bhimavaram, is deeply committed to ensuring the welfare and career progression of its employees, acknowledging their invaluable
contributions to institutional progress. We implement a diverse array of welfare schemes aimed at fostering a conducive work environment and boosting
morale. Professional Development Opportunities: • Faculty Development Programs (FDPs) and Conferences: We actively encourage our teaching faculty to participate in FDPs, seminars, conferences,
and workshops. The college supports their attendance by covering registration fees and providing annual travel allowances (TA/DA). • Management Development Programs: Non-teaching staff members benefit from Management Development Programs, aimed at enhancing
their administrative skills and professional competencies. Recognition and Incentives: • Promotion and Increment Policy: Through rigorous self-appraisal processes, we offer promotions and increments to recognize continuous
improvement and exceptional performance. • Incentives for Academic Excellence: Faculty members are awarded cash prizes and certificates of appreciation for achieving academic milestones
and publishing research articles. • Support for Academic Initiatives: Financial support is extended for organizing guest lectures, conferences, seminars, workshops, and research activities,
encouraging faculty participation in scholarly endeavors. Employee Well-Being: • Medical and Insurance Benefits: All employees benefit from a comprehensive medical insurance scheme, providing coverage up to Rs. 1 lakh annually
for accidental and health-related expenses. The institution also facilitates contributions to the Employee Provident Fund (EPF), ensuring long-term
financial security. • Financial Support and Advances: Employees have access to interest-free advances and financial assistance, including festival advances, to support
their financial stability and well-being. Additional Welfare Measures: • Leave Benefits: We offer various leave benefits, including casual leave, special leave, medical leave, and maternity leave, promoting work-life balance
and supporting personal commitments. • Facilities and Infrastructure: The college provides state-of-the-art facilities such as sports amenities, gymnasiums, yoga facilities, and on-campus
banking services, ensuring convenience and comfort for all employees. • Institutional Incentives: Adhering to 7th Pay Commission recommendations under UGC norms, we provide incentives for research activities, seed
funding for research projects, and time-bound increments for non-teaching staff. Financial Assistance and Loans: Through our partnership with Union Bank of India, employees have access to a range of loan facilities, including personal loans, educational loans,
housing loans, and vehicle loans, facilitating their personal and professional aspirations. Conclusion D.N.R. College (A), Bhimavaram commitment to the welfare and career development of our staff is integral to fostering a supportive and
motivated workforce. These initiatives not only enhance employee satisfaction but also significantly contribute to the overall growth and excellence
of our institution. Upload any additional information![]()
Percentage of teachers provided financial support to attend conferences/workshops and towards member ship fee of professional bodies
During the last five years. Response: 50.7 Number of teachers provided with financial support to attend conferences/workshops and towards membership fee of professional bodies year-wise
during the last five years: 2022-23: 60 2021-22: 75 2020-21: 64 2019-20: 128 2018-19: 143 A. Provide Links for any other relevant document to support the claim (if any)B. Policy document on providing financial support to teachers
C. Institutional data in the prescribed format (data template)
D. Copy of letter/s indicating financial assistance to teachers and list of teachers receiving financial support year-wise under each head.
E. Audited statement of account highlighting the financial support to teachers to attend conferences/workshops and towards membership fee for professional bodies
Percentage of teachers undergoing online/ face-to-face Faculty Development Programmes (FDPs) / Management Development Programmes
(MDPs)during the last five years. Response: 50.7 Total number of teachers who have undergone online/ face-to-face Faculty Development Programmes(FDP)/ Management Development Programs
(MDP) during the last five years. 2022-23:60 2021-22:75 2020-21:64 2019-20:128 2018-19:143 A. Refresher course/Faculty Orientation or other programmes as per UGC/AICTE stipulated periods, as participated by teachers year-wise.B. Provide Links for any other relevant document to support the claim (if any)
C. Institutional data in the prescribed format (data template)
D. Copy of the certificates of the program attended by teachers.
E. Annual reports highlighting the programmes undertaken by the teachers.
Institutional strategies for mobilisation of funds other than salary and fees and the optimal utilisation of resources Describe the resource mobilisation policy and procedures of the Institution within a maximum of 500 words Response: The College has established transparent systems and procedures for mobilizing funds from different funding resources. Resources of funds: 1) The Salary Grants received for the Aided Staff (both teaching and non teaching) from the Government of Andhra Pradesh. 2) The Tuition Fees collected from the students of the self-financing courses who are not eligible for the Government reimbursement. 3) The tuition fee reimbursement received from the Government of Andhra Pradesh for the students of low income groups. 4) The Grants received from the University Grants Commission for various schemes such as the Autonomous grant, CPE grant, B.Voc. Courses grant,
Minor / Major Research Project grants, Seminars and Workshops grants and the grants for Hostels, Virtual & Digital Class Rooms. 5) The Grants received from the MPLADs (Member of Parliament Local Area Development Funds) for developing the buildings and infrastructure. 6) The money received from the retired staff and philanthropists towards prizes for meritorious students. 7) The Contributions made by the staff members for the corpus fund. 8) The Money received from the newly joined General Body members of the College towards their Life membership. 9) The money contributions received from the philanthropists 10) The donations received from Alumni. Utilisation of Resources: The institution has a well-defined mechanism to monitor effective and efficient utilization of available financial resources for the development of the
academic processes, infrastructure enhancement, and maintenance of academic and physical facilities. The College Governing Body has designed a policy
for the financial expenditure. According to it, the Secretary and Correspondent is the sanctioning authority of all the expenditure. All bills of expenditure
and the monthly salary bills passed by the Principal will be forwarded to the Secretary and Correspondent. Once he approves, the cheques will be prepared
and sent to the Treasurer who in turn signs and issues them. The various items of the expenditure incurred in the College include the following: a) The monthly salaries paid to the unaided teaching and non-teaching staff who occupy the 80% of the total staff. b) Payment of the Employer’s share of the Provident fund. c) The property tax paid to the local municipal authority twice a year. d) The seed money provided to the projects taken up by the faculty members. e) The Departmental expenditure forwarded by the concerned Heads of the department with regard to the departmental stationary, files, records
and equipments. f) Purchase of the library books for all the departments and subjects at the UG and the PG levels. g) The annual subscriptions paid to the journals, magazines and the news papers. h) Up keep of the laboratories, computers and the machinery. i) The expenditure incurred on the Seminars, Workshops, Conferences, Guest Lectures, Celebration of the Days of National Importance and the College
Annual Day etc., j) The money paid to the affiliating university towards the affiliation fee, the students admission fee and so on. k) The Electricity charges. l) The Internet Charges. m) The Office overheads and stationary. n) The repairs and maintenance of the buildings, hostels class rooms, RO Water Plants, furniture and equipment. o) The maintenance of the campus, lawns, playground and washrooms. p) Municipality property tax. Upload any additional informationProvide the link for additional information
6.4.2: Funds / Grants received from government bodies, non-government bodies, and philanthropists during the last five years
(not covered in Criterion III and V). Total Grants received from government/non-government bodies, philanthropists year wise during last five years (not covered in Criterion III and V)
(INR in Lakhs)
2022-23:Rs. 5,38,276.00 2021-22:Rs. 4,27,748.00 2020-21:Rs. 1,74,714.00 2019-20:Rs. 24,93,450.00 2018-19:Rs. 33,00,505.00 Provide Links for any other relevant document to support the claim (if any)Institutional data in the prescribed format (data template)
Copy of the sanction letters received from government/ non government bodies and philanthropists
Annual audited statements of accounts highlighting the grants received
6.4.3.Institution regularly conducts internal and external audits regularly Response: Dantuluri Narayana Raju College (Autonomous) is a ‘Private Aided College’. It is Therefore, it receives salary grant for the grant in aid Teaching
and non teaching posts from Government of Andhra Pradesh. It also receives funds from state and central Government through various funding agencies
like UGC, Research Projects Grants, Autonomous grants, CPE grants, etc., The college takes every care to utilise the funds judiciously
As a part of this, the college conducts internal and external audits regularly to ensure accuracy and accountability through which optimum level of
transparency is maintained.
As a part of this, the college has designed an effective internal audit mechanism.
A finance committee constituted by the college looks after all the financial matters of the college.
All the departments of the college prepare their individual budget proposals and submit to the college.
The finance committee reviews all the proposals and the recommended proposals will be submitted to the Autonomous Governing
Body which will be approved subsequently
The Secretary and Correspondent of the college who has executive powers
on all the activities of the college sanctions the entire expenditure in the College.
Therefore, the proposals are forwarded to the Secretary and Correspondent. On approval of the Secretary and Correspondent,
Principal releases funds to various departments. Internal Audit: Different books of accounts and ledgers are maintained in both
the UG and PG offices separately. In the UG office, the Special
Fee Account, The UGC Account, the College Account, the Management Account and the
Miscellaneous Accounts are maintained. In the PG office, the MBA Account,
the MCA Account, the PG Courses Account
and the Miscellaneous Accounts are maintained.
The income and expenditure in both the UG and PG Courses are recorded systematically
in the cash book and the ledger. The internal audit is carried out by the Office Superintendent of the college with
the help of the office clerks periodically in both the UG and PG offices under the direction
of the Principal. The salary statements of the teaching and non-teaching staff,
the cash books, day books, ledgers, expenditure statements,
vouchers, invoices, bills and the statutory obligation records such as Income Tax, Tax Deducted at Source, Provident Fund,
and Employee State Insurance deductions are verified at regular intervals, obvious mistakes if any are detected and rectified. External Audit: The Governing Body, D.N.R.College Association appoints a certified Charted
Accountant to conduct external audit for a period of 3 years or more.
The Annual Income and Expenditure Statements of the College, viz., UG and PG programs are audited by the
Chartered Accountant at the end of the every financial year.
The utilization of funds received from different funding agencies like Government of A.P., Government of India,
UGC, DST, etc., are audited and certified by the Auditor.
The income tax retu rns of the College are filed by the auditor.
The Government of Andhra Pradesh also conducts the annual audit occasionally by sending the Government Auditor. Upload any additional information.Provide the link for additional information
6.5.1- Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) has contributed significantly for institutionalizing quality assurance strategies and processes visible
in terms of incremental improvements made during the preceding year with regard to quality(in case of the First Cycle):Incremental
improvements made during the preceding year with regard to quality and post-accreditation quality initiatives(Second and subsequent cycles). Response: Dantuluri Narayana Raju College (Autonomous) established the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) in 2002 to enhance faculty involvement
and ensure quality in all institutional activities. The IQAC focuses on quality achievement, enhancement, and sustenance across various domains, including
curricular aspects, teaching-learning processes, research activities, learning resources, student support services, governance, and management.
It is integral to the institution, significantly contributing to policy implementation, review, and evaluation, while aiming for development and quality enhancement in all areas. Involvement in Institutional Activities The IQAC is deeply involved in all college-level committees and professional bodies, overseeing academic, administrative, and student-centric programs.
This involvement ensures that quality assurance initiatives are meticulously exercised, leading to the institutionalization of best practices.
Two notable practices facilitated by the IQAC are the digitization of the teaching-learning process and the implementation of
Outcome-Based Education(OBE). Facilitating Digitization of Teaching-Learning Process Learning Management System (LMS) The Learning Management System (LMS) was integrated into the teaching-learning process in 2018.
The IQAC ensures the following practices for effective LMS utilization: • Creating Updated LMS Contents: Course instructors provide updated video lectures and study materials in
alignment with the lesson plan, ensuring students have access to relevant and current resources. • Ensuring Quality and Utilization: Feedback and usage reports are collected from students at the
end of each semester to maintain the quality and effectiveness of LMS content.
This feedback helps refine and enhance the LMS resources. • Using LMS as an Assessment Tool: Course instructors upload assignments and quizzes to the LMS, allowing for continuous evaluation of student
performance.Implementation of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) Introduction and Workshops The IQAC has spearheaded the implementation of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) by organizing workshops with experts to
explain the OBE approach to the teaching staff. This initiative led to the development of program
educational objectives (PEOs), program-specific outcomes (PSOs), and course outcomes (COs). Importance of OBE The OBE system is crucial for assessing a learner’s ability based on Bloom’s Taxonomy,
which categorizes learning objectives into levels of complexity and specificity. • Mapping of CO-PO & CO-PSO: During syllabus preparation, course outcomes (COs) are created using action verbs from Bloom’s Taxonomy.
The correlation levels between COs and program outcomes (POs) and PSOs are established to ensure alignment with educational objectives. • Preparing CO-Mapped Question Papers: In final semester examinations, each question is mapped to a CO, ensuring
proper distribution of Bloom’s Taxonomy levels. This mapping aids in assessing the attainment levels of POs and PSOs for each course. • Assessing CO-Based PO & PSO Attainment: At the end of each semester, results are analyzed to generate CO-based PO and PSO attainment reports.
This analysis helps in evaluating the effectiveness of the teaching-learning process and making necessary adjustments for continuous improvement. Through these practices, the IQAC ensures that Dantuluri Narayana Raju College (Autonomous) maintains high standards of education and continuous
quality enhancement. Upload any additional information.Provide the link for additional information
6.5.2: The institution reviews its teaching learning process, structures & methodologies of operations and learning outcomes at periodic intervals
through IQAC set up as per norms Describe any two examples of institutional reviews and implementation of teaching learning reforms facilitated
by the IQAC within a maximum of 500 words each. D.N.R. College (A), Bhimavaram, prioritizes continuous enhancement of its educational quality through systematic reviews of teaching, learning,
and operational methodologies. This approach aims to optimize learning outcomes and equip students for successful careers. 1. Pedagogical Initiatives and Instructional Methods: Enhancing educational quality at D.N.R. College (A) involves implementing diverse
pedagogical initiatives: Active Learning: Promoting engagement through group work, discussions, and hands-on activities. Blended Learning: Integrating face-to-face and online instruction for flexibility and personalization. Flipped Classroom: Inverting teaching methods to maximize interactive learning during class. Problem-Based Learning: Developing critical thinking by solving real-world problems. Collaborative Learning: Encouraging teamwork and knowledge sharing among students. These approaches create a dynamic learning environment that supports academic success and personal growth. 2. Teaching-Learning Reforms by IQAC: Under the guidance of IQAC, D.N.R. College (A) has structured its teaching-learning processes: The IQAC oversees a detailed Academic Calendar aligned with university schedules. Faculty members use the College Management System (CMS) to upload lesson plans and presentations. Departmental Advisory Boards (DAB) and Performance Assessment Committees (PAC) monitor course coverage, ICT utilization, student attendance,
and more. Comprehensive reviews ensure continuous refinement of teaching methodologies and academic practices. Innovative and Student-Centric Learning: Beyond traditional methods, the college emphasizes: Peer teaching, experiential learning, and guest lectures. Virtual labs, industrial lectures, seminars, and workshops. Study tours, industry visits, and industrial projects. Skill training and ICT-based learning. Enrollment in NPTEL courses and other MOOCs. These initiatives foster practical skills and industry-relevant knowledge among students. Student Feedback and Continuous Improvement: D.N.R. College (A) values feedback from students and stakeholders: Online feedback systems, class representative meetings, and mentoring sessions collect valuable insights. Feedback analysis drives prompt improvements to enhance student satisfaction. Outcome-Based Education: Regular departmental result analyses evaluate: Attainment of Course Outcomes, Program Outcomes, and Program Specific Outcomes. Actionable insights drive continual improvement in teaching-learning methodologies. Faculty Empowerment: The college supports faculty development through: Enrollment in NPTEL courses, access to e-journals, and use of virtual labs. Research grants, internships, counseling, and participation in conferences. Professional society memberships and assistance with publications. These initiatives nurture faculty growth, enhancing their teaching effectiveness and research capabilities. Achievements and Learning Outcomes: D.N.R. College (A) has achieved significant milestones: Research grants, consultancy projects, and department accreditations. Improved university results, successful placements, and GATE qualifiers. Favorable rankings and collaborations with industries. Increased student enrollment and retention of experienced faculty. Through comprehensive initiatives, D.N.R. College (A) ensures holistic student development, preparing them to excel in their careers and contribute
positively to society and industry. Upload any additional information.Provide the link for additional information
Quality assurance initiatives of the institution include: A. Quality audit reports/certificate as applicable and valid for the assessment period.B. Provide Links for any other relevant document to support the claim (if any)
C. NIRF report, AAA report and details on follow up actions.
D. List of Collaborative quality initiatives with other institution(s) along with brochures and geo-tagged photos with caption and date.
E. Link to Minute of IQAC meetings, hosted on HEI website